
Job Crafting

Wrzesniewski and Dutton (2001) describe ‘job crafting’ by employees  defined as  modifying the tasks to be performed,  building or changing relationships with co-workers or clients psychologically reframing the meaning of work.  you craft your job to  assert control,  create a positive self-image at work fulfill basic needs for connection to others.

P.E.R.K. - purpose / engagement / resilience / kindness

PERK Purpose making valuable contributions to individuals or wider society that we find personally meaningful.  At work, these contributions, when aligned with our core values, bring us feelings of purpose.  In doing so, we can assert ourselves in conducting our day-to-day tasks and in turn, connect our roles to what we believe in and care about.  To achieve this at work try to complete tasks in a way that embodies your purpose / philosophy / core values. Engagement relates to how involved and immersed we feel at work.  The Greater Good (2018) suggests three ways that we could suggest to our employers. Firstly embrace creativity and encourage people to have fun at work! Secondly,  give people more responsibility over their daily schedule, tasks give people more responsibility over professional development give opportunities to learn and grow. Finally, adopt a less hectic schedule create space for the immersive, lose-track-of-time experience of flow at work. For example shift away fr

How Do Scientists Think About Happiness at Work?

 Causes of happiness in people much of it is deemed to be inherited (50%) - study of twins  what seems to work? One...  study (Seligman et al. 2005) tested five simple self-administered interventions and found that two of them effectively improved happiness six months later.  an online assessment of one’s ‘ signature strengths ’ together with instructions to use a character strength in a new way each day for a week writing down three good things that happened each day and attributing causes to each, for a week.  Causes of happiness in organizations Organizational level. Three key elements  trust the people you work for have pride in what you do enjoy the people you work with Trust in the employer, built on (is seen as the cornerstone ( credibility respect fairness Sirota et al. (2005) agree that three factors are critical in producing a happy and enthusiastic workforce:  equity (respectful and dignified treatment, fairness, security),  achievement (pr

What Are the Advantages of Happiness at Work?

Emiliana describes evidence showing that more happiness at work  makes things better for individuals,  improves the quality of social interactions  benefits organizations as a whole  making the strong case that prioritizing happiness at work is a worthwhile endeavor. individual benefits happy =  ^ physical / mental health ^ intrinsic motivation  ^ activity at work  ^ creativity at work  see  Labour Economics Oswald, A. J., Proto, E., & Sgroi, D. (n.d.). Happiness and Productivity . 35. Malcolm, S. (2021, April 16). Council Post: If You Want To Be More Productive At Work, Get Happy. Forbes. Progress Principle   TEDx Talks. (2011, October 12). TEDxAtlanta—Teresa Amabile—The Progress Principle. Amabile, T., & Kramer, S. (2011, July 19). The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work:

Challenges to Happiness at Work

Dacher walks through a list of   common problems that workplaces face — like  stress demands at work outweigh your resources result? disease increases age prematurely    30% of workers declare that their work is a source of stress physical & mental illness less happy? more vulnerable to illness  compromised life expectancy  disengagement absenteeism  boredom - wanting but unable to engage in meaningful activity  mind wandering excessive self criticism  social disputes incivility bullying   conflict  30 - 35% of stress caused by other people  lack of trust and support at work  adversarial  Machiavellian types  mistakes increase in mishaps, failures, mistakes (when not happy)  and explains evidence for how they tend to decrease with increased happiness at work. cultivate happiness helps all of the above It reduces stress, it reduces physical and mental health challenges. It's related to job withdrawal. It helps people with problems of disengagement and boredom. It countervails s

How Happy are you at work? - self inquiry 1 of 8

The purpose of these Self-Inquiry sections is 1) to stimulate your thinking about key concepts and ideas from the science of happiness at work and relate them to your own experience, and 2) to give you some ideas about how you might approach measuring happiness at work on your own.  My results from  Self-Inquiry 01: Happiness at Work (1/2) 3 of 7   (10% of those who completed the survey responded the same)  Does your score ring true? Does it feel like your score captures what is most important to you in aspiring towards greater happiness at work? Yes. I'm not satisfied working in an environment that I find is  using outdated resources not relevant to the needs of 21st century students / societies / work force not interested in understanding its learners, nor adapting instruction to address their needs does not measure its own effectiveness is opting to protect the status quo rather than challenge the way it does things, Where I have attempted to introduce new approaches - approache

Defining Happiness at Work

  Defining Happiness at Work not momentarily ..not pleasure / hedonism ... achievement / status  but quality of life way - contentment, well being - life is meaningful, purposeful, make progress towards goals  conceptual framework for thinking about where happiness at work comes from or how we can increase it: PERK Purpose know your work matters to others  Engagement positive fulfilling state of mind; dedication  being able to express your thoughts and feelings at work - being able to bring your whole self to work   Resilience handle adversity with grace  face challenges  bounce back from setbacks be accountable for failures  resolve conflicts at work  Kindness being nice in a genuine way building trust  sharing resources, feedback, and credit  building positive social ways with others at work showing empathy, compassion, and gratitude  Zappos   reputation of making happiness a priority  deliver WOW with service  us (employees) helping each other  Wishez program  how does that affect t